Pyramid of Success
Block 1: Industriousness
"In plain and simple English this means hard work. Very hard work. There is no substitute for very hard work, when it comes to success."
Industriousness means working with a lot of energy and being devoted to it. Working hard and doing all of your work. Industriousness is important because you give your all to your work. Being a hard worker is important because it shows your character and what type of person you are. Hard working is also important because it helps you develop your skills. People will also notice that you are a hard worker and that could gain you respect from your peers. Also you could get pay rises if you are a hard worker. Hard work always pays off in the end so it's good working hard. Also you have to challenge yourself to do better.
Block 2: Enthusiasm
"It is the engine that powers all blocks of the pyramid. It is why I chose Industriousness and Enthusiasm as the cornerstones of my Pyramid of success. It is where everything begins."
Enthusiasm is an intense or eager enjoyment, approval or interest. This is important because without enthusiasm you wouldn't be able to do some things that you like. Enthusiasm is doing something that you like. You do well at it and you really enjoy it. It is also important if you ever want to accomplish something. While working it give it a whole new sense of value and that's what makes accomplishing it even better. Some ways to become more enthusiastic is being passionate about something you like doing. Also being grateful for what you have because that makes you appreciate things. Never think negative thoughts, always think positively. By thinking positively you build up your self esteem and confidence.
Block 3: Friendship
"Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion. Like marriage it must not be taken for granted but requires a joint effort."
Friendship is important because you build bonds with different people. You build trust with them and that helps you out. Friendship is important because you could get help from your friends or you could help them out. You could grow these bonds by going out with them or talking. By doing this you show that you trust them and like being around them. By building trust you know that person is reliable and will always try to help you when you need it. Some ways you could strengthen your friendship is by valuing your friends. Try by listening to them and their problems and see if you could help out. Spend time with them and talk regularly. Encourage them to do things and to follow their dream. Be interested in the things they like so that they know you really care.
Block 4:
"To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your self-respect."
Loyalty is being loyal to someone or something. A strong feeling of support towards something. Staying committed with them and never letting them down. Being loyal to your friends is supporting them and never talking behind their back. Loyalty is standing with your team or someone even when times are tough and it seems nothing is going your way. Never losing hope and always thing positively. Loyalty is never abandoning someone and always being there when they need support. You don't really need to do much just being there and being supportive to someone could mean a lot to them. One great example of loyalty is when a dog sticks by their owner and never leaves their side
Block 5: Cooperation
"With all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not having your own way."
Cooperation is the ability of being able to work with others well. it's the process of working together in order to reach the same goal. Cooperation is important because you both need each other in order to to accomplish it. You cannot do it on your own and you need assistance. Working well with others develops bonds and trust between two people. Some ways you could improve your cooperation is developing your communication skills between each other. Get to know each other better and understand each other. By doing this your cooperation skills improve as well as your relationship. Being cooperative doesn't always have to be between 2 people it could be more. It could take time for your cooperation skill to improve,
but it is all worth it.
Block 6: Ambition
"For noble goals."
Ambition is the desire of doing or achieving something. You need to be committed on order to do anything. It is also your determination and hard work that leads up to you accomplishing things. It is always good to have ambition because that is what leads you to accomplish things. It is what drives to do more and reach your goal. Ambition isn't about being scared of any challenge you go head on and give it all you got. It's not about whether you are going to win or lose it's about what you showed out there and your hard work. Ambitious people usually think positive things and never think negative things. Your main goal is to give everything they got and never think of losing. Some ways to become more ambitious is to get your goals straight and figure out how you are going to get there. Never think that this si impossible because with that mentality you are never going to get far in life.
Block 7: Self-control
"Practice self discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgement and common sense are essential."
Self control is the ability of being able to control yourself. You are able to control your emotions and the desires that you have. You are also able to control your expressions and behavior in tough situations. Self control at times is being the bigger man and walking away from conflicts. It could a;so be resisting to eat something when you know you already ate or it's not good for you. Some ways to improve your self control is writing down and focusing what emotions you need to control. Give yourself strategies and think ways to resist some temptations. Think things through because acting impulsive could lead to problems and regret. Try to distract or keep yourself occupied. That way you won't have the urge to do something. OR you could focus on one emotion that you really want to control and try to understand it a little better.
Block 8: Alertness
"Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve.
Alertness means the quality of being alert. It's being fully aware of your surroundings and what's going on.You are fully focused and nothing will slip past you. This is important because this could help you determine whether there is danger or not. This skill could help stay safe and be aware of your surroundings. It could also help you in sports by knowing where your teammates are. Some ways to be more alert is eating regularly. Eating the right type of foods so that you have energy. Also exercising could also help you improve your alertness. Drinking water helps you stay hydrated and not be tired. Taking deep breathes helps relax your body and mind making you more focused. Getting the right amount of sleep well help you stay awake and not be tired.
Block 9: Initiative
"Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it."
To show initiative means to able to act or take charge before others. Doing things without being told to do so or reminded. Being initiative is important because it means that you are a reliable person. You are responsible to do things on your own even without being asked. If you could things earlier you should do it that way you have more time to do other things. By being initiative you could manege your time wisely. You have to be alert in order to do things. You have to deal with problems as soon as you see them because if you try to fix them later it'll much harder or you will waste time. Some ways to show initiative is doing your homework the day you get that way you don't have to worry about. You can also help other by showing initiative by volunteering to do things and reaching out
to them.
Block 10: Intentness
"Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on it's achievement by resisting all temptations. Be determined and persistent."
Intentness is firmly or steadfastly fixed fixed or directed. It's when you are focused on something and you don't lose sight of it. You avoid all distractions and aim to accomplish your goal. It's the power to be able to resist temptations even when it looks like fun or you want a break. You have to remind yourself why you are doing this and what is the outcome going to be when you do it. You have to push yourself to strive for better when you do okay. Gather your thoughts and tell yourself that you are to accomplish this. Think about what you are going to have to do in order to accomplish and the things you are going to have to sacrifice. You have to be determined and there will be distractions, which are just obstacles preventing you from accomplishing your goal.
Block 11: Sincerity
"Keeps friends"
Sincerity is the quality of being free from pre
tense, deceit, or hypocrisy. To be a sincere person means to always be positive and seek more of other people. They show great confidence when presenting. They show great body language when with others and are not shy. They talk about their failures and they are not discouraged because they are learning from their mistakes. They ask questions when they don;t understand things and well admit it. Instead of arguing they try to find similarities in the topics they are discussing. They don't speak negatively about others and try to help others out as much as they can. Some ways to become more sincere is maintaining eye contact with the person you are talking to. Don't thing negatively of yourself and others because you won't accomplish anything and you won't improve. Don;t be afraid to fail and don't be afraid to talk about your failures. Learn from your mistakes only that way you'll improve.
Block 12: Adaptability
Adaptability is the ability to be able to adjust to new conditions. You adapt to your surroundings in order to be able to survive and excel in life. Adapting is important because that way if you are exposed to different places or things then it's easier for you to get on task. It's for you to change situations or environments that you are in. In order to adapt you need to be willing to open to new changes. You have to see opportunity when others see failure. This means that you need to see things a bit more differently and think about things more. You will need to be resourceful because if one problem stops you from moving on then you are going nowhere in life. Don;t whine and you need start by looking ahead and thinking of new opportunities.
Block 13: Condition
"Mental-Moral-physical. Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated."
Condition is the state of something, especially with regard to it's appearance, quality or working
order. This means that if you are capable of doing many things without getting really tired. For example in sports you run a lot so in games you can last longer. You run a lot so that your body starts getting used to it. This is helpful because it can help your body stay in good shape as well as being more capable to do things. You can also condition yourself by sleeping well. Getting a good night sleep is important because the next day you can perform better.
Block 14: Skill
"A knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail.
Skill is having the ability to do something well. Every one has different skills that they are good at. For example some people may be good at drawing,, swimming, at certain sports etc. Some people have more than 1 skill and that makes them a bit more interesting. Having more skills does not make you a special person or important, it;s the way that you use these skills is how people see you. Some people have certain skills that make them unique. In order to improve on your skills you need to first see what your skills are. After you see what your skills are you need to start improving them and practicing them. Do not be afraid to fail because failure helps you see what you need to improve on. With failure comes improvement, with improvement comes result.
Block 15: Team Spirit
"A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice persona; interests of glory for the welfare of all."
Team spirit is when you work with another group of people. It is also feelings of camaraderie among the member of the groups, enabling them to work together and cooperate with each other. It's where you listen to other people ideas and try to solve a problem. You all work together to reach the same goal. Each person will be assigned a certain role or work that they have to do. Each person plays a vital role in their group and they must do their part or else the whole group will suffer. Every person is good at a certain area and by coming together with other people they could learn from each other. No one turns down another persons idea or put that person down because that is not working like a group. You become more outgoing if you are a shy person because you have to interact with others.
Block 16: Honesty
"In thought and action."
Honesty is the ability to tell the truth when so one else does because it's the right thing to do. You know what the
Block 17: Resourcefulness
"Proper Judgement"
Resourcefulness is having the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome some obstacles. You think outside the box. You use your surroundings and whatever is given to you. You are able to adapt quickly to your surroundings. There will be times where you are going to have to bend the rules in order to overcome things. It takes creativity to be resourceful at times and think of ideas. You will need to develop your skills in order to be more resourceful. You will have to be open minded in order to gain some skills. Be able to get out of your comfort zone and be outgoing. Trying new things leads to new experiences and skills. You have to be confident in yourself and you will have to trust yourself at times. there will be times where you are going to need help from other people and that;s okay.
Be persistent and do all that it takes to reach your goal. Never give up hope and never lose faith on yourself.
Block 18: Poise
"Just being yourself. Being at ease in any situation."
Graceful and elegant bearing in a person. You have to have good control and balance in your life to be poise. You need to be confident in yourself and your abilities. You got to face your fears and be able to forgive the past. Don;t forget about it, but learn from it in order to become a better person. Try being more honest with people, but try to give also help them out. You will have to be able to accept yourself by writing down your strengths and weaknesses. You have to believe in yourself and think positive things about yourself. Be able to focus on your strengths and weaknesses so that you can develop on them and make them better. Be more outgoing with new people and try to talk to them and listen as to what they are saying. Be able to maintain a good posture. By doing that it shows that you are able to control yourself in tough situations.
Block 19: Confidence
"Respect without fear. May come from being prepared and keeping all things in proper perspective."
Confidence is the ability of being able to rely on yourself or someone to do something. You are able to trust yourself and believe in yourself to accomplish things. You have no worries and you are positive.In order to be confident you have to appear confident. By showing people that you are confident it shows that you are a trustworthy person. Improve your posture so that it show your confidence when standing or sitting. You need to be able to recognize your talents and then go and improve on them. Think about your good qualities and write down a list of them. Start thinking ahead. This means start looking or thinking about the obstacles that you are going to face. Remember that it's okay to be wrong at
times. Begin to focus on the areas where you struggle the most and start improving on them.
Block 20: Reliability
Creates Respect
Reliability is the quality of being trustworthy or performing constantly well. Reliability is being able to show up and help your friends or others when they depend on you. It's being able to stay committed to your word. People are able to depend on you because they know you are a responsible person.Some ways to be more reliable is gaining someones trust. It is very difficult to attain, but easy to lose. Choose your words and actions wisely. Be able to concentrate and focus on things. Get your priorities straight and understand what are distractions. Being loyal is another way of being reliable because you stick with your friends and are there for them. You are able to help your friends when they need it the most. You are consistent with your work and never lose the pace that you are at.
Block 21: Fight
Determined Effort
Fight is when is you battle against yourself or something. You are fighting for what you believe in. You will do whatever it takes to achieve your goal. You also fight for what you care about and cherish the most. You stand up and go head on and you don't back down. You show your bravery and determination by going into a fight. You do not let someone treat you however they want, you need stand up and defend yourself and your ideas and beliefs. At times you w
ill have to face yourself and fight yourself for different reasons. Part of you will want to goof off and play around, when you know you should be studying. You will need to know the difference between a want and a need in order to go somewhere in life.
Block 22: Competitive Greatness
"Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge."
Competitive Greatness is when you have to compete with other people or with yourself. You compete to see who is better and how you can improve as an individual. In order to have competitive greatness you need to first learn to be patient. This means that it will take time to develop competitive greatness. It will also take a long time because you are going to have to gain experience and that experience is going to lead to competitive greatness. Secondly you are going to have to create challenges for yourself. By challenging yourself you are improving your skills as well as being more experienced. You can also reflect on where you need to improve on the most. Lastly you are going to need to be able to embrace competition. By embracing competition you are putting your skills to work and using them against others. You get to test yourself and see how you have grown throughout the years.
Block 23: Integrity
"Purity of Intention"
Integrity is being honest with people and being honest to yourself. You have strong moral principles that you follow and live by. You set yourself some rules or codes and you follow them and you don't break any. This can be applied for mostly anything. You will only achieve your goal if you follow your principles and put in the work that is needed for it. First you are going to have to reflect on behavior and the way you act with others. You need to understand why you acting this way with people or what you should do so that you become a more honest person. You need to respect other people and you have to respect yourself as well. At times you are going to have to be independent and that's good because you have time to yourself and are able to reflect. There will be times where you are going to fail and that's okay. If you fail you better figure out why and strive to do better next time.
Block 24: Faith
Believe and Archive
Faith is the ability of having trust in someone or something. You must have faith in your life in order to move on and keep going forward, Having faith is important because it gives you hope and will to carry on. Faith won't always guarantee you anything even if you really want it to. Sometimes you can help your dreams or visions come true by working on them. You need to give in order to receive something in return. You need to do your role and work on it so that it'll come true. You need to be dedicated and give it your all in order for some things to come true. You need to believe in yourself and your abilities that you can accomplish anything. You need to show people that you have faith in them or in something.
Block 25: Patience
Good things take time
Patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble or suffering without getting angry or upset. Patience is important because while you wait you start to grow as a person. Patience plays a major role in life because at times you do things right away and you mess up. Patience let;s calm down and read the situation and see what is going on. Being patient gives a better understanding and you could a lot better than before. To become more patient you need to understand why you are impatient. You need to devote more time by yourself and just think things over. Think of the consequences of your actions. You will have to remind yourself why you are doing this and how this will benefit you. There will be distractions along the way, but you will need to remind yourself to focus.
These building blocks benefited me by showing me different examples of how to become a better person. I get a definition of what the block means. I also get different examples of how to apply these blocks to everyday life. I have tried applying some blocks like confidence and patience.I am being more patient with myself and others around me. I take my time doing my homework and when I am taking tests. I am noticing I am being more positive and feeling less stressed out. I am helping more people by applying these skills to others and I feel good about myself.I will try to add goals that will fit the category of certain blocks. I will make goals of all the blocks. I will explain to people the benefits of applying these blocks to their life. I will tell family and friends and hopefully they start spreading it to.
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