Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Ways to be

                                  9 Ways to be Happy and Make something of your life
Gordon B. Hinckley

                       1). Be Grateful
     One way to be grateful is to appreciate the things in life. You could tell your parents thank you every morning and they tell them you appreciate the things they done for you. You can thank your teachers for helping you out when you needed it. Enjoy your life because even though it's not the best you still have it better than others. Don't start feeling bad for yourself because that isn't going to change anything you have to make changes so that you won't feel like that again. You have to be honest with yourself in order to be happy. Having gratitude makes us see different perspectives, so you see how others' feel or are affected. Having gratitude it makes you want less and appreciate the stuff you already have. Gratitude helps you reduce stress because it makes us happier. You build better relationships with people because you appreciate them and yourself. I show gratefulness by helping out my parents around the house. I tell them that I appreciate all that they do for me by sacrificing their time and energy so I could have a good life. The quote "At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark of another person, Each one of us ha cause to think deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us." means that when you give up they're is always going to be a person that encourages you and gives you hope to carry on.


                                  2).Be Smart 

\Being smart is very helpful because you can see between right and wrong. Being smart will help you succeed in life. You will be seen as very mature and responsible. Those are some good traits in this life because you have more of an opportunity to succeed in life. This will help find a job and go to a college/university of your choosing. You can be smart mentally and physically. To be smart physically means no doing drugs or doing anything bad that hurts your body. You can also eat well which will give your body energy to carry on throughout the day. Somethings to do in order to get smart is read. By reading you are exercising your brain and developing it more. To become smart it takes a lot of effort, so you cannot slack off.

                           3). Be involved in good works
Being involved in good works means you are doing what's right. It's helping out your community even if you contribute a little. Being involved in good works means choosing the right, not doing drugs with friends or doing anything you are not supposed to be doing. You could help out around your school by helping out teachers and help fund raise events. Even the smallest things could have a big impact in someone's life. Good works are done by many people around the world. Doing good works means that you put others before yourself. You don't only think for yourself,you think in how your actions will affect others. You want to be a person that people could look up to not a bad example.The quote" Good works do not make a good man, but a good man does good work" means that a person shouldn't do something good to be seen as good but do it because it's the right thing to do.

                             4). Be Clean
One way to keep yourself clean is to take a shower with shampoo and soap. Another way is brushing your teeth. Being clean means that you are truthful to yourself, as well as to others. Being clean means staying away from drugs and never using them. Keeping your body and mind safe from harm and doing whats right. They are different ways in being clean like mentally and physically. Being cleaned mentally means getting rid of your distractions or try to forget about your problems for now and deal with them later. You can also write in a journal about your thoughts,feelings, or other stuff. If you are holding a grudge towards someone you need to let it go because that is not healthy for your body and by doing this you can focus your time on other things. Being nice is another example of cleaning yourself because you help someone out and you just feel good helping them. "Everyone deserves a chance to clean up their messes." This means that everyone deserves a second chance because we all make mistakes and that's what makes us human.

                          5). Be True
Being true is being honest to yourself and to the people around you. You could also be loyal to your friends, families, and teams that you are in. You could cherish friendships that you have by telling them the truth and being honest to them. You can also let go of hate and forgive those who have hurt you. Life is short so why waste some your life angry at happen when you could be doing other things with your time. You could take responsibility of your actions because you made the mistake or problem and you got to be the one that fixes it. You have to think kindly of yourself. By doing this you're building your self-esteem and it helps you grow as person. When you start loving yourself then you become a more out going person.

                         6). Be positive
Being positive means having good thoughts. You always aim to do your best. Thinking negatively does not help you it just brings you down. Being positive means looking at something that' negative and looking at the positive things that came out of it. You can be positive by having time to yourself. This way you look at all your problems and clear your head. You can also spend time with your family and friends and just relax and talk to them. Try to take things slowly because if you start rushing thongs then you stress yourself out causing negative thoughts. Being positive could also mean having a good physical body and mind. Hanging out with positive people could help you also become positive because you feel safe and wanted around them."Positive life, Positive Vibes, Positive life." means that if you can accomplish these 3 things then your life will be great.
                               7). Be Humble
Being humble means being respectful to others. being nice and kind-hearten to other people even of you don't know them. If you beat someone don't rub it in or boast about it just be proud of what you accomplished, or even better go congratulate them and console them. You can also be humble by admitting that you are not the best at something it means that you are human. You could know your limitations and see what you are good at and what you are not. You have to be able to focus on the stuff that you are not good and be able to say that you are not good at it. You could be grateful for what you have and not focus on what you don't have. You are going to be an out-goer meaning that you will have to mistakes and that's how you'll from it and grow as a person.
"To much ego will kill your talent." means that you go around boasting because people won't like you and you end up being a bad player.

                                                   8). Be still
Being still means just staying still and relaxing. Just taking the time to think about all your problems and clearing your mind. Doing nothing is the the most productive thing that you will undertake. Being still is very difficult because there are noises all around you so you are mentally, emotionally, and spiritually exhausted. In order to find yourself you need to have silence ti really think. Being still  helps you stay connected with yourself. Being still can also mean to some people holding on to the past and they just need to let it go and look towards the future. Many people have said that being still is very hard to master and at times it can be frustrating, but the whole outcome is worth it.

                                                               9). Be Prayerful

    My final reflection on the the 9 ways post is that that you have to do a lot of things to be happy and it could be hard for some people. Plus many people have broken some of these rules many times a without even knowing. I feel like the 9 Ways is a good example, but it's not for me because I feel I'll never get to do that cause of the person who I am. The good things about is that you can help spread these thoughts to other people and help them live a better life. You can commit to these thoughts by reminding yourself each day and striving to do good.

                                    The 9 ways concluding words by Gordon B. Hinckley
        "There there are, mine Be's which, if observed will bring handsome dividends to any young or woman. They will add sparkle to your days and peace to your nights. They will save you from heartache and pain. They will bring purpose into your life and give direction to your energies.
          They will bring you friends of your own kind. They will protect you from associations that would pull  you down and deflect you from your course.
          This is a time to be happy. This is a time to feel joy and make friends and enjoy the best this life has to offer. What I have tried to put forth.... are simply a few suggestions, gained from many years of living, to help you do just that. The world will tell that certain kinds of things will bring you happiness-things such as popularity and possessions and satisfying your baser desires.
          If today you find yourself only drifting as a leaf in a stream, get hold of yourself and determine you will do better.
          At railroad grade crossings, signs and warning were once common. Two cross arms were emblazoned with the words, " Stop, Look, Listen." They meant that a train could be roaring down the tracks and you had better be alert.
I was riding a train on the Midwest years ago. I looked out the window to my left. A road ran parallel to the tracks. A car with a boy and a girl were speeding down the road a little faster than the train. The car moved ahead until I can no longer see it. Suddenly, the locomotive whistle sounded and the train screeched to a halt as the brakes gripped through the wheels. We looked out the window on to the other side. There was a mangled car. Police cars soon converged, followed by the ambulance. The boy and girl were dead. The road they were traveling crossed the tracks. They did not stop, look, or listen. It all happen in an instant.
The better way to be is the way of these nine Be's
The years will inevitably pass and,pass quickly. Today is your day of resolution. Promise yourself to make something good of (your) precious life."

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